The Dog ( Canis lupus familiaris ) is the subspecies servant of Canis lupus , a mammal of the family of Canidae (Canidae), which also includes the Gray Wolf and the dingo , domestic dog returned to the wild.
The Wolf is the first animal species to have been domesticated by humans for the use of hunting in a Palaeolithic human society which then did not master either agriculture or animal husbandry. The line of the dog genetically differentiated from that of the Gray Wolf about 100,000 years ago 1 , and the oldest confirmed remains of canid differentiated from the Wolf line are 33,000 years old, according to sources 2 , 3 or 12,000 years 4 ; beef 5 (see Domestication de Bos taurus ) and goats will be domesticated around −10,000.Prehistory , the dog accompanied the human being during all its phase of sedentarization , marked by the appearance of the first agricultural civilizations . It was at this time that it acquired the capacity to digest starch 6 , and that its auxiliary functions of Homo sapiens expanded. These new functions have resulted in increased differentiation of the subspecies and the gradual appearance of identifiable canine breeds . Today the dog is used both as a working animal and as a pet . His instinct of pack, its early domestication and the behavioral characteristics which result from it colloquially earning it the nickname of "best friend of Man" 7 .
This special place in human society has led to the development of specific regulations . Thus, where the criteria of the International Cynological Federation have legal recognition, the designation purebred dog is conditioned on the registration of the dog in the books of the origins of his country of birth 8 , 9 . Depending on the country, vaccines may be required and certain types of dogs, deemed dangerous, are subject to restrictions. The dog is generally subject to the different laws on domestic carnivores . This is particularly the case in Europe, where its circulation is facilitated thanks to the introduction of the European pet passport .
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